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Groove Rider 2


Groove Box, DAW, AUv3 host

Ableton Link
App Store  


Igor Vasiliev

Multi-effect glitch sequencer designed to distort and mangle rhythmic loops, external audio sources, or output from other apps.

State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store


Igor Vasiliev

Hybrid reverb with an artificial space designer, combining it with algorithmic reflections tail processing, is ideal to creating immersive ambience of deep spaces, lush atmospheric textures or stunning whispering backgrounds in your projects.

State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  

Mazetools Mutant


The app is a hyper-loop machine with 7 instruments. It uses the surfaces of a cube to play melodies and rhythms by touch. The resulting loops can be instantly given effects - and heard from different musical perspectives by turning the Hypercube.

Ableton Link
App Store  

Mazetools Soniface Pro


Mazetools Soniface offers you a harmonic grid synthesizer, a sampler, a granular synthesizer and a rhythm module. They are played via sequencer and touch interaction. It offers a pattern mode for songs, a master effects section and wave recording.

State Saving Ableton Link
App Store  


Igor Vasiliev

NoInputMixer is an experimental feedback-based musical instrument that models an analog mixing console, designed to create a wide range of amazing, otherworldly electronic sounds by feeding the mixer's output back to its input.

State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store

pUnKGeN:Thrash/Punk Metal Groovebox


6 track thrash metal / goth inspired groove box sequencer

Ableton Link
App Store


VirSyn Software Synthesizer

XinematiX gives you access to the fabulous cinematic sound libraries from KARO Sound Development

State Saving Ableton Link
App Store

7XDXFM 4 OP FM Synth Groovebox


4 Operator FM Synthesiser sequencer / groove box

Ableton Link
App Store

Hip Hop Drummer


Hip Hop Beats with new J Dilla Flex Swing tool and more

Ableton Link
App Store

Loopy Pro

A Tasty Pixel

Loopy Pro is a live-looper. And a sampler. And a sequencer. And a very capable AUv3 Audio Unit host. And a DAW. And an AUv3 Audio Unit.

Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store

Future Drummer

Luis Martinez

Electronic modern and futuristic rhythms with advanced improvising algorithms. New Live Mode gives power to interact with grooves. Midi out and endless configurable options.

Ableton Link
App Store  

Preset Drum Machine: Pulsar-ES


Pulsar ES is an iOS mobile app software replica created by TripleTech, based on the EXTREMELY RARE Soviet (Ukrainian) analog preset drum machine called PULSAR.

Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store



PolyWave is a synth based on waveforms sequence.

Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  


Igor Vasiliev

GlitchScaper is a rhythm machine with six sound generators, each controlled by a two-layer cycle sequencer, designed to easily create glitchy patterns and scapes.

State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  


Marcos Alonso

Make music and play with sound in a new and intuitive way by touching the waveform on the screen. Explore the sounds melody and texture using the different play modes and create your music compositions with the gesture recorder

State Saving Ableton Link
App Store  


Kelfar Technologies

WorldScales allows you to break out of the limitations of equal-tempered scales and gives you freedom to tune the built-in keyboard in whatever way you want.

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link
App Store  

KQ MiniSynth

Ryouta Kira

A Polyphonic Modular Synthesizer. You can put up to 100 modules in a patch! …Of course it depends on your device’s ability. You can make patches freely.

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  

Wotja: Generative Music System

Intermorphic Limited

Wotja is a powerful & free Generative Music System. Use it to CREATE beautiful ambient music, MIDI, text & ideas, to EXPERIMENT, or to RELAX with 1-tap 'flows'. It’s also an AU3 Host App/Plug-in! Go 'Pro' to do the max.

Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  

Cowbell & Comedy

Abu Studio Inc

funny sfx for stage and show. Simple free sound board style app

Ableton Link
App Store

Afro Latin Drum Machine

Luis Martinez

Authentic AfroCuban and Latin percussions with jamming, song mode, live pads, midi controls, ableton link or midi sync and much more.

Ableton Link
App Store  


Igor Vasiliev

VintageRack is a minimalistic and convenient multi-effect application that contains modules realistically simulating notable retro gear from the early digital age with their natural lo-fi and warm aesthetics.

State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store

Vatanator Pro

Backpullver Software

Advanced Music Sequencer

Ableton Link
App Store


iceWorks, Inc.


State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store


VirSyn Software Synthesizer

Teraverse - The Tera Pro companion Player

State Saving Ableton Link
App Store

New Path

The Zooo

Create surprising rhythms and harmonies by having colored shapes follow arrows on a two-dimensional grid. New Path is a unique and playful tool that drastically changes the way you make music. Pick an instrument for each square or triangle (shapes) and let t

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link
App Store  

Metal Drum Loops

Michael Desmond

Professional percussion practice app. Simple UI and HD .wav Samples, not chincy midi or lame mp3

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link
App Store

Tera Pro

VirSyn Software Synthesizer

Modular Polysynthesizer

State Saving Ableton Link
App Store  


Igor Vasiliev

Loop-based mangler effect for creating slowly changing rhythmic sound structures in a deep reverb space from any external signal. Great for experimenting and designing ambient and noise backgrounds with rhythmic elements.

State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  

Wotja 22 Pro: Generative Music

Intermorphic Limited

Wotja 22 Pro: Create, Mix, Play - Relax, Sleep. A powerful & unique generative music, MIDI, melody, text & creativity system. Ambient & drone thru to experimental. From Intermorphic, the developers of SSEYO Koan, Noatikl, Mixtikl, Liptikl & Tiklbox.

Ableton Link
App Store


Mathieu Routhier

With ChordPadX, chord are at your fingertips! Trigger chords and notes intuitively, with a human touch. Focused on intuition and efficiency, this app gives you the tools to create new song ideas in seconds.

Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  

AltiSpace 2

Igor Vasiliev

AltiSpace 2 is a convolution reverb app with advanced controls that provides realistic sounding natural acoustic space or vintage reverb devices for any track or mix.

State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  

Beatly Pro

Antonin Charvat

Rap and lo-fi beats generator. Ghost producer at your fingertips.

Ableton Link
App Store  

Indian Drummer


Indian Percussions with Traditional Taals and Modern Fusion Beats. Tabla, Ghatam, Mridingam, Kanjira, Pakhawaj and more

Ableton Link
App Store


iceWorks, Inc.

Delay + Reverb

State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  


Suture Sound Inc.

Flip is a music making app for iOS, allowing you to create tracks out of any sounds around you, as well as sample packs available within the app. It has a fast workflow and unique features not available in any other music app that will enable you to create finis

Ableton Link
App Store


Mathieu Routhier

Suggester is a tool to assist in the creation of songs and chord progressions. This app will help you find chords that work together. It is efficient and fun; use it to build musical phrases that will carry emotion through tension and release.

Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store

2XB303 Acid Bass Sequencer

BEATS N BOBS (Rob L Wilmot)

Dual Channel Acid Bass Synthesiser

Ableton Link
App Store


mifki Limited

miRack is a Eurorack-style modular synthesizer for iPad. It aims to provide user experience and audio quality close to those of the real Eurorack hardware. The app comes with a growing collection of modules created by third-party developers.

Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store


Abu Studio


State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link