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Elastic Drums

Oliver Greschke

6 channels of synthesized percussion sounds (12 synth models, 1 sampler), a step sequencer and 4 effect channels (more than 20 different fx), all tweakable in an elastic way.

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link
App Store  


Igor Vasiliev

SoundSaw is a complex sound processing app with easy-to-use controls designed to distort the sound of musical instruments or voice, and give the sound the aesthetics and atmosphere of noise, lo-fi, chiptune and experimental music scene.

State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  

Group the Loop

Jack Marshall

Group the Loop brings intelligent audio looping to the iPad. Record, loop, overdub, add effects and much more! Create entire songs with complex verse, bridge and chorus structures then switch between them in real time.

Remote Triggers Ableton Link
App Store  

Loopseque 8 — beat performer

Casual Underground

Sequencer. Sampler. Effects

Ableton Link
App Store

Cube Synth Pro

VirSyn Software Synthesizer

Additive Synthesizer

State Saving Ableton Link
App Store  


Igor Vasiliev

BeatCutter is an experimental multi-channel app for slicing and recombining sound based on rhythm. In the center of the app is a matrix of sample cells with smoothly reconfigurable recording, playback and control busses. This app is best for those who would li

State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store


Scitta LLC

Make music with NodeBeat, the intuitive and fun visual music app for all ages. Create your own music in a matter of minutes or listen to NodeBeat generate its own.

Ableton Link
App Store  

Triqtraq - Jam Sequencer

Zaplin Music

Triqtraq is the ultimate mobile jamming experience in terms of fun, usability and deepness. Compose beats in a freestlye manner and use the extensive automation to shape your sound in realtime. The variable loop-lengths allow for endless sonic exploration.

Ableton Link
App Store  

Wotja Pro 21: Generative Music

Intermorphic Limited

Wotja Pro 21: Create, Mix, Play - Relax, Sleep. A powerful & unique generative music, MIDI, melody, text & creativity system. Ambient & drone thru to experimental. From Intermorphic, the developers of SSEYO Koan, Noatikl, Mixtikl, Liptikl & Tiklbox.

Ableton Link
App Store

Loop Builder

James Navarro

Loop chopping, beat making, Live sequencer. Sample manipulation gone mad! ♾️

Remote Triggers Ableton Link
App Store  

CV Mod

Steven Connelly

CV Mod is a 2 LFO/VCO Oscillator Module meant to be used with modular or semi-modular synth hardware. You can use a DC-coupled audio interface or simply connect the headphone output of your iPhone or iPad to one or more CV or audio inputs on your hardware.

Ableton Link
App Store

WubSynth | EDM Bass Synth


A Synth designed for making dubstep and EDM lead bass

Remote Triggers Ableton Link
App Store  

Taqsim World Synthesizer


Play World Sounds, Rhythms, Scales and Drones on your iOS Device!

Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store


iceWorks, Inc.

Gate Sequencer

State Saving Ableton Link
App Store


James Navarro

Acid Synthesizer. Similar to TB-303.

Ableton Link
App Store


Sonosaurus LLC

Build layers from a wide range of authentic percussion and drum kit loops from master percussionist Pete Lockett, and jam away over the top of the grooves you create.

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link
App Store  



iDensity is a new real-time software designed for asynchronous sound file granulation, a genuine granular playground able to generate a wide range of usual and not so usual effects.

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  



mood - A personal interpretation of the legendary Analog Synthesizer by Eugenio Giordani

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  



Advanced Biquad Cascade Filters

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  



Multilevel Interactive Sound Synthesizer Based on Csound orchestra written by Eugenio Giordani

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  



iVCS3 Official EMS VCS3 emulator

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  

Wotja Pro 20: Generative Music

Intermorphic Limited

Wotja Pro 20: Create, Mix, Play - Relax, Sleep. A powerful & unique generative music, MIDI, melody, text & creativity system. Ambient & drone thru to experimental. From Intermorphic, the developers of SSEYO Koan, Noatikl, Mixtikl, Liptikl & Tiklbox.

Ableton Link
App Store

Moebius Lab


amazing app

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link
App Store  


A brickwall peak limiting app, for the complete control of your audio volume. The Amazing Noises Limiter it has a wide range of dynamic processing: from very gentle volume attenuation to heavy distortion (if you want it!).

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store



A Granular Delay

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  


Amazingnoises and apeSoft

This is an expanded version of an algorithm created by James McCartney for his Supercollider 2 programming language. It is a "reverberator with glissandos" simulating a room gradually changing its shape. The original algorithm had no user-variable parameter

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store



DubFilter is a slightly modified version of the saturating state variable filter by Yofiel.

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store

Reverb - FDN

Amazing infinite reverber

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  

NanoStudio 2

Blip Interactive Ltd

NanoStudio 2 is a powerful music production environment for sequencing, synthesis, sampling, arranging, editing and mixing. It includes built-in instruments and effects and hosts AUv3 plugins.

Ableton Link
App Store

Sparkle - Advanced Cross-Synthesis


Advanced Cross Synthesis

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store



Spectral Delay with Feedback and Brickwall Filters

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store


iceWorks, Inc.

Multi-Tap Sequence Delay

State Saving Ableton Link
App Store

7X Wave Sampl Sequencer


Sample manipulation within patterns sequencer with effects and modulation. Import your sounds and export loops

Ableton Link
App Store


VirSyn Software Synthesizer

The digital synthesizer

State Saving Ableton Link
App Store  

Accordion Vintage


Accordion Vintage is a virtual sampled instrument based on an original Italian accordion made in Castelfidardo in the 60s years.

State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  

Electric Vintage


Electric Vintage is a virtual instrument based on a reproduction of a famous vintage electric piano (1976) with a full range of dynamics (from soft to distorted sounds), release noise and pedal resonance.

State Saving Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store  



iPulsaret is a new real-time software capable of all time-domain varieties of granular synthesis. A genuine granular playground able to generate a wide range of usual and not so usual effects: Grainlet, Trainlet, FM, time/pitch shifting, time/pitch jittering,

State Saving Remote Triggers Ableton Link Audio Unit Extensions
App Store

ArpBud 2

Cem Olcay


Ableton Link
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Stephan Bolch

SKIIID is a new drum-synthesizer with 4 expressive pads and the possibility to morph between them. With its randomisation feature you can create unique effects and lo-fi drum-sounds quickly. On top of that we’ve added a fun sequencer. But don’t expect a highly

Ableton Link
App Store  



The HYPERTRON is a new, exciting and intuitive musical Instrument for iOS ( iPhone and iPad ), which combines features of well known samplers, sequencers and drum machines for quick editing and flexible music production.

Ableton Link